Won't quit....ever
I have had my pack for over 12 years. In that time I have taken it to **** and back. Zero tears or rips or thread unwinding. I would take this pack to the moon. This is the ak47 of backpacks. Throw whatever you want at it. I have.
This was my 3rd. I'd buy another!
I think this 3-day pack is the best of it's sort on the market; & I've looked at most all of them.
Awesome backpack!
This back fit perfectly on my back. Not bulky like regular packs. Carried it on my back through the airport and it felt great, well balanced on my back. Only issue was it alittle heavy to pick up and put on my back. Once it’s on it is an awesome backpack. Wish it had a spot for a water bottle (had to purchase it separately) ALSO the water BLADDER IS NOT INCLUDED and maxedition DOESN’T sell them. Where do you purchase a bladder for the backpack?
Condor review
The quality of this bag is amazing. I've loaded it full for a get home bag and still very comfortable carrying it. Love this company
I have taken my Condor II across six continents. It has carried cameras up mountains, guns and ammo across deserts and dirty underwear through countless airports. I have used it as a pillow, a rifle rest and once as a shield against an angry wolverine. It has been thrown in the back of trucks, dropped from helicopters and very thoroughly inspected by Russian customs. So far the only wear this pack shows is some abrasion on a strap where it rubbed against a truck wheel ... for 500 miles. I have recommended Maxpedition equipment to friends, family and customs officials all over the world - and will continue to do so in the future.