Launched in 2016 and further expanded in 2017, the Advanced Gear Research (AGR) product line is the physical embodiment of Maxpedition's cutting-edge research and development.  While the Maxpedition brand DNA of uncompromising durability is preserved, modernized aesthetics and a broadened palette of custom components elevate Maxpedition equipment to a new level of quality and innovation.

On sale
AUP Accordion Utility Pouch (CLOSEOUT SALE. FINAL SALE.)
On sale
XBP Expandable Bottle Pouch (CLOSEOUT SALE. FINAL SALE.)
On sale
DES DOUBLE SHEATH POUCH - MAXPEDITION, Maxpedition, Military, CCW, EDC, Tactical, Everyday Carry, Outdoors, Nature, Hiking, Camping, Police Officer, EMT, Firefighter, Bushcraft, Gear.
HLP HOOK & LOOP POUCH - Maxpedition, Military, CCW, EDC, Tactical, Everyday Carry, Outdoors, Nature, Hiking, Camping, Police Officer, EMT, Firefighter, Bushcraft, Gear.
PUP PHONE UTILITY POUCH - MAXPEDITION, Military, CCW, EDC, Everyday Carry, Outdoors, Nature, Hiking, Camping, Police Officer, EMT, Firefighter, Bushcraft, Gear, Travel.
DEP Daily Essentials Pouch - Maxpedition, Military, CCW, EDC, Tactical, Everyday Carry, Outdoors, Nature, Hiking, Camping, Police Officer, EMT, Firefighter, Bushcraft, Gear.
On sale
PLP iPHONE 6/6S POUCH Plus- MAXPEDITION, Military, CCW, EDC, Everyday Carry, Outdoors, Nature, Hiking, Camping, Police Officer, EMT, Firefighter, Bushcraft, Gear, Travel.
CAP Compact Admin Pouch -Maxpedition-Military, CCW, EDC, Tactical, Everyday Carry, Outdoors, Nature, Hiking, Camping, Police Officer, EMT, Firefighter,Bushcraft, Gear